This past month has been super crazy with all of the weather related issues of Hurricane Harvey & Irma. My heart goes out to all the people that were in the path and are now working towards rebuilding their lives due to the hurricane. Seeing the photos and hearing the stories just breaks my heart into pieces.

Yes, I said monthly journal. I am liking the idea of have one journal per month to help celebrate the month and have the ability not to be limited by space or pages. Last month, I used a journal that limited my number of pages and I discovered it was the wrong way to go. I am thankful I went that direction but also thankful it was only a few weeks of using it. More like 2 weeks.
I did start this month with a creative calendar outline in my journal:
I used post it notes to block out the days and then watercolor over the entire page. I like how it turned out in the end. The spots where it tended to bleed into the square was not the watercolors but the post it note coloring. Glad I used a similar color :)
Here is some art page I did with glossy paint experiment. I learned I didn't like the glossy paint. It felt like painting with Elmers glue. Not a fan. but I can mark it off my list of art materials to try. I am planning to find a quote to either write over it or use the lines to write it within the piece.
What is your favorite type of art medium to use in your journal?
For more photos check out My Instagram page
Off to do some more art!