Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Mail day!!

Got another batch of postcards from Postcrossing.
post card from Czech Republic

Postcard from Ukraine
Here are some of the stamps from the postcards that I received the other day.
Stamp from Australia
Most of the other countries stamps are more decorative than the United States.

Stamps from Poland

Cards that I got the other day
Here is one more from Japan. I love getting them from Japan since the earthquake, its nice to know they are ok and getting back to normal.
from Japan

Another Happy Mail box day!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!!

Memorial Day is the day that we all need to remember all the veterans who have died for our freedom. Going through our daily routine we often forget to take time and remember these important individuals.
I have several family members who have served in the military and have safely returned home. However, I have one cousin who was not as lucky. His name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall (Panel 45W - Line 21). 

PFC - E3 - Army - Regular , 198th Light Infantry Brigade

Length of service 1 years
His tour began on Mar 26, 1968, Casualty was on Sep 1, 1968

Keep them in our prayers daily not just this weekend!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Duck is from Austria 

Got some postcards today....

This is what I love about this is you never know what type of card you will be receiving or what part of the world it is coming from.

This card is from Chile

From Portugal
 I will try and scan some of the stamps next week!

Monday, May 23, 2011


This year has been the year of completed needlework projects. I got one to start the year off and found myself working on them more and more. I started with Cross Stitch when I was 11. I still have the one I started off with. It was a small Teddy bear. 
I am currently working this pattern again but a different colors with  more pink and yellow.

I want to share my local needlework shop Fancy Stitches in Cleburne is a great place to find nice needlework products that chain craft stores do not carry. 

This is my current project (actually the photo from the designer website) but we shall see how it turns out as I am going to change the colors by using lighter colors and what thread I already have. The design is called Rainforest Crunch by Needle Delights. The finished size will be around 12x12. 
Happy Day!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


We first decided to raise ducks and chickens after a trip to Atwood's in Waco. First we wanted to do some research and found several good blogs that helped us out learning what we needed to know before getting any baby chicks or ducklings.

When the time came there were no ducks at the store and we did not want to order 10 of them so we just went with 16 chicks. A variety of colors and types.

Here are some photos of their first day here on the farm..


We still have to build the outside coop but the adventure should be a fun one!!

We need to name all of them. So far we have only a few names; Daffy, Goldy, Biggin, & Red.
Any suggestions??

Happy Mail Section

Hi! Today I sat down and was able to send out 7 postcards to Moscow, China, Republic of Belarus, United Kingdom, US, & one to Japan. Below is the card that I made for this year. I have tried to make cards to mail out since 2009. 

I am a member of www.postcrossing.com here you can send and receive post cards from all over the world. It is free except of the cost of postage and the post card. I have a large collection of postcards that I have displayed in albums and some in boxes. I had kept some of the favorite ones on the wall.

Here is some of the latest cards I have gotten:

I plan to include some of my cards here to share. The stamps are also interesting to see how different they are from the United States. Off to see what adventures today will bring!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Let the fun begin!!!

I finally jumped into the world of bloggin'. not sure how this will take flight but here we go....

My idea to start a blog was to help motivate me to get some of my craft projects done a "push" if you will. Yes, my life is busy and full but it will be a challenge.

So what will be on this blog? A mixture of craft projects, our adventure in raising chickens for the first time and any other life events that come along.

Happy Weekend!!
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